Welcome to the blockchain.

Your tour guide today is Web3 Bandit. Buckle up!

3 min readMay 4, 2023

This article will change your life. Probably not right away, but seriously, I am on a mission to help educate people through the lens of my firsthand experiences.

Abandon all hope of ponzi coin reviews and embrace the sweet scent of on-chain financial literacy. I’m the friend who’s holding your hand until the next bull cycle.

OK, cool. You already know this isn’t one of those boring crypto-AI-tech-bro articles. I want this to be as relatable as possible, but why should you take my word for it?

Simple: I know how it feels to “not know” things and get burned because of it.

Getting heavily invested in crypto markets just as the global financial market begins to slip into a recession was probably not the smartest thing I did in 2022. However, it led me down the rabbit hole of seeking knowledge.

Many crypto “OGs” and influencer types joined the party at the height of the fun. Bags were pumping, and the euphoria was infectious. It was way too easy to win.

My experience was the exact opposite. The very first digital collectible (a.k.a. NFT) I purchased was a scam, so I was losing money before even finding a seat at the table!

It was like dropping a puppy in a war zone.

Do you know what happens when people are exposed to harsh realities early? They grow up fast.

The state of the market was literally “adapt or die.” So I adapted (even though I probably died inside a hundred times).

Eleven months after my debut, I am still here. Gone is the wide-eyed rookie who expected to print generational wealth by gambling a few thousand bucks on internet coins and JPEGs.

In his place is the author of a weekly Web3 publication, partnering with an established media brand to deliver actionable insights on crypto, blockchain technology, investing, and regulation.

My portfolio is quite healthy, helping me begin the New Year debt-free. I have enjoyed collecting dozens of art pieces on the blockchain and supporting budding creative talents.

I have worked with multiple Web3 startups to build their brands and nurture their communities in a positive atmosphere. I’ve also hosted several speaking engagements with dozens of teams challenging the status quo by building exciting stuff on the blockchain.

My brand is a testament to the fact that it is possible to thrive in Web3 given the right mindset, education, and technical resources. I’ve experienced euphoric highs and crushing lows, and I know how much the world needs people to share factual insight on the blockchain.

This paradigm shift led me to ask different questions than most other people that I’ve met in the industry: What are my strengths? How can I find and lean into my own niche? Where are the vacuums that I can fill with real value?

This is Web3 Bandit’s raison d’être.

I’m not here to sell you anything. I simply offer you a chance to see through the lens of someone who has tried, failed, and resolved to keep making progress by learning daily.

There’s no better time to start a journey than the present moment. This is the first page of a new, exciting chapter. We’re at the frontier of a new digital revolution, blessed with the tools to change the way our world operates for the better.

Let’s beat a path together and reap the rewards ahead. Welcome aboard!

PS: For free weekly updates delivered to your email every Sunday at 12 p.m. UTC, subscribe to my publication.




Wandering the blockchain and breaking stuff online. Current arc - character development.